File a Complaint

Any information you supply may be subject to public disclosure pursuant to New Jersey’s Open Public Records Act. We strongly urge you to not submit sensitive personal information on these forms.

Please read "File a Consumer Complaint Against a Business" BEFORE you choose an option below.

Against Any Business

Against Any Employer, Organization, or Entity
You Believe is Violating Any Part of Executive Order 107

Any complaint that any employer, organization, or entity is violating any part of Executive Order 107, including failing to close when required by the Executive Order, should be filed here:

Against a Licensed Professional or
to Report Unlicensed Activity

Check the list of all the licensed professions, and choose either an “English” or “Spanish” complaint form after the specific profession. If you do not see a specific profession listed, please submit a general complaint by clicking the following link:
General Consumer Complaint Form: (English / ​Spanish)

Last Modified: 12/8/2020 6:49 AM